Stay on the Cutting Edge of Safety in Hazardous Areas
safety@flameproofmanufacturing | +27.11.918.7810
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Read More...The Flameproof Manufacturing team can already hear all your jokes and comments about the need for a thinking day at all! Yet, don’t you find that the more information we are exposed to, the more diluted our thinking becomes? From managing status updates to a barrage of messages on mobile devices 24/7 with an uncapped
Read More...Destructive fires are the nightmares of planners, installation technicians, and operators of systems with potentially explosive atmospheres. Not only the purview of the chemical and petrochemical industries, explosion protection is also of concern to seemingly innocuous industries. Be safe with flameproof and explosion proof electrical components. Every January 8th is “Show and Tell at Work
Read More...As many of us witnessed – or experienced the blackouts resulting from – the exploded substation in Jet Park, you may be wondering whether explosion proof components could have prevented the incident. What Does Explosion Proof Mean? To understand what is meant by explosion proof, we must look at the context of the term and
Read More...The ATEX directive consists of two EU directives describing what equipment and work environment is allowed in an environment with an explosive atmosphere. ATEX derives its name from the French title of the 94/9/EC directive: Appareils destinés à être utilisés en ATmosphères EXplosibles. There are Two ATEX Directives One for the manufacturer and one for